Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Abuse...that's a touchy word to most people. And everyone seems to have a different definition of abuse. The dictionary defines it "as to treat in a harmful, injurious, or offensive way". But what really is abuse? Is it physical, mental? or emotional? My answer, abuse is anything that hurts you in any way shape or form. 
So,what do you do when your abused, do you deal with it, tell someone, or get out of the situation? This question i don't have an answer for, (I'm still trying to figure that out).
I wish i knew the answer to that, i wish that when i get abused i knew what to do, but for years i haven't figured out what I'm suppose to do. Another question is why do the people that abuse you abuse you. Why is that the people that are suppose to love you the most the ones that hurt you the most. These two questions i don't think ill ever know the answers to.

For years I've dealt with abuse and it seems like the older i get the harder its hard to deal with. Cause when your abuse for along period of time you just stop feeling, (pain,hurt,happy,sad) i mean you make laugh && smile. but when you go thru abuse you never really feel those feelings like most people

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